So to keep our "eyes on the prize" I've compiled a list of MY top five reasons why Michigan is a great place to live:
1. That whole "Just stick the beer out on the back porch" thing.
That is so cool. I don't have to push the yogurt to the back of the fridge to squeeze the beer in there. Or, when you accidentally leave your Applebees leftovers in your car overnight? No problem! Your car was 10 degrees cooler than your refrigerator anyway!
2. Skiing?
It must be great. Lots of people do it. They seem to enjoy themselves! You'll never catch me out on the slopes (the last time I went skiing I ran into a father and son while screaming "the snow plow DOES NOT WORK!") but someday my husband can take my son skiing and Mommy can sit in the lodge with her hot cocoa and a good book. That'll be great.
3. Water, water, everywhere, and you can drink it all!
Every Michigander has their favorite lake. You could say my husband and I are star-crossed lovers. He's a Lake Huron guy and I'm a Lake Michigan girl. I also spent every summer at my grandma's house on Crystal Lake in Frankfort. If you haven't been to Crystal...GO. Just ask one of those people with the M-22 bumper stickers how to get there. It's gorgeous, clear, shallow, and for the six weeks that it's warm enough to be in a swim suit, it's pure Heaven.
Bill and Liam walk on a sandbar in Lake Michigan and Liam and I relax on the beach in St. Joseph.
4. Proximity to great vacation destinations!
Bill and I both worked at Cedar Point before we got married, so for us, there's some nostalgia at the Rockin' Roller Coast. We love taking Liam, and it's a short car trip. If you're planning a trip and have never been to Cedar Point during the's a great time to go. (insider secret: go on the first Halloweekend in September to avoid the crowds.)
And, say what you will about Canada, but I love it. I know lots of Canadians and they're all awesome. The best theatre I have ever seen was at the Stratford Festival and those Canadians know how to make a waterfall exciting. It will also be that much easier to flee the country if Sarah Palin somehow makes it into the Whitehouse in 2012.
Liam is ready to head into Cedar Point and Bill and I have a picnic by the river in Stratford, ON.
5. The Seasons
I complain about the snow, yet I can't imagine not having a "White Christmas", and it sure beats the alternative of looking at brown grass for 5 months out of the year. I love the crunch of autumn leaves and sitting in a high school football stadium. I love the smell of spring and I always tear up when I see the first crocus. I love hot summer nights when you can leave your front door open and listen to the frogs or sit out on the patio with your friends and enjoy a glass of wine around a bonfire.
It's something about knowing that the seasons will end that makes them so much better. And trust me, this winter will end...thank God.
1 comment:
I know can you imagine not having all 4 seasons?
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